Condoms Advertisement Banned by Pakistan

Pakistan Banned Condoms Advertisement to shield children from SEX... What ?

In a latest News from Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA) has Banned Condoms Advertisement in Pakistan as it exposes children to SEX . In short all contraceptive products advertisement is banned over Television and Radio broadcasts, local media reported.

The PEMRA officials said it has taken this step to ban contraceptive advertisements only after receiving lot of complaints from concerned parents.


The most interesting part is that government is running a campaign for Birth control in Pakistan , a muslim majorty country where talking about sex in open is still a taboo. Now, with this Condom Advertisement Ban in Pakistan will definitely keep people away from secrets of birth control and will in turn give a boost to ever-growing population in Pakistan.

The notification from PEMRA reads " General public is very much concerned on the exposure of such products to the innocent children,which gets inquisitive on features/use of the products."

You can find official letter of Ban from below tweet by @Rizwan Soomro , who said : " PEMRA bans commercials of even #Contraceptives #PEMRA & #CII want 2 throw #Pakistan into abyss of Stone Age."

Another Tweet by @Fahmida Iqbal Khan says : " For God sake PEMRA grow up. This z 21st century plz dont stop public awareness "
According to Couple Years of Protection ( CYP )  , Contraceptive use in Pakistan is very low, which fell by another 7.2 percent in 2015. Pakistan is the sixth mostly populated country in th world and is rising at a rate of around 2 % each year,which predicts it's population to rise to 227 Million by year 2025.

Also, according to Pakistan Governments's annual report on contraceptive use says "Reduction in population growth is one of the top priorities of the Pakistan government to maintain a balance between country's resources and population."

As per latest data from United Nations, around 2800 lives have been claimed by Sexually transmitted diseases like HIV/Aids in Pakistan. 

As per a statement from PEMRA " Television channels and radio stations that do not comply with the ban will face "legal action under PEMRA law" though a specific punishment is not mentioned.

Now, its an interesting point to see , how people from Pakistan take this different type of Ban in Pakistan. 

There are around 94000 HIV positive patients in Pakistan , which makes it the second largest south Asian country with the epidemic. Millions suffer from STDs or sexually transmitted disease across the country.

What do you feel about this condoms advertisement Ban ? Is it a wise decision or just a foolishness ? Do leave your views in comment section Below.

I must say :" In a era of growth and technology where every country is concerned about their kins health by promoting various campaigns and advertisement to make people aware of such things, whereas Pakistan has taken a different step that Banned Condoms Advertisement in Pakistan, and left millions unaware from medical advancements."

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1 comment :

  1. Condom advertisement banned in Pakistan . Wtf ! When they will learn value for condoms.. losers


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